Formation Committee
This group is responsible for the ongoing education and formation of the entire parish, adults as well as children. It establishes and directs subcommittees to carry out the various programs necessary to accomplish a goal. This group meets on the third Monday of each month.
Baptism Preparation
Parishioners conduct classes monthly for parents whose young children are to be baptized. The session usually lasts about thirty to forty minutes. The format includes a brief introduction, a twenty-minute video about the Rite of Baptism, followed by a question and answer period.
Marriage Preparation
This group will assist the pastor in counseling couples on the rites to marriage. Marriage preparation must be arranged six months in advance and it is available to St. Rita parish members. The couple will work on focus profiles, and attend PreCana/Engagement encounters.
Booster Club
This group sponsors all athletic programs for the parish, including basketball, football, baseball, T-ball, softball, volleyball, track, and cheerleading. To support these programs the Boosters have fundraisers, including fish fry's, dances, as well as hosting athletic events.
Boy ~ Girl Scouts
A planned program for both boys and girls, which teachers Christian values are installed along with respect for others, self-discipline, loyalty, honor, teamwork, thoughtfulness, and self-reliance. This is accomplished by activities, which provide fun and education, for both the Spanish and English speaking children.
Cub Scouts
This program is offered to boys from the ages of 6 through 10-1/2 (grades 1-5). The program is based on family involvement with each boy's activities, loyalty and honor, teamwork, generosity, thoughtfulness, and self-reliance.
Parish Mission Retreat
The goal of this committee is to provide a mission or retreat periodically to offer people a time to reflect on God in their lives, thus providing them with the opportunity to grow into a deeper person and a deeper relationship with God. The committee coordinates and directsefforts and preparations along with assistance from the pastor, the pastoral staff, and the parish council.
Hispanic Ministry
The Hispanic ministry committee welcomes Spanish speakers with the faith and cultural heritage they possess. This ministry serves as an interfacing agency between Spanish and English speakers. It also assists in giving Spanish speakers accessibility to all ministries of parish events.
Religious Education
For school children in grades one through eight. Classes are held on Sunday mornings from 9:45 - 10:45 am. Most catechist team teach and receive direction from the Catechist manual and from the Director of Religious Education.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) / Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) is a process of receiving into the Catholic Church those seeking membership. RCIA meets every Tuesday 6:30 - 8:30 pm for prayer and instruction. RCIC meets ever Sunday morning. Many parishioners are needed to share faith.
Spirituality Group
This group meets on Friday (except for some holidays and vacation times) from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, to pray and share with one another. No one will impose their views on another and listens respectfully as we share. We use scripture, selected books, poems, etc. as guide for our group.