As Christians, we are called to support God's work through prayer, presence, and gifts of service and treasure.
- Gifts of Prayer - pray regularly for God's work in our parish.
- Gifts of Presence - plan to attend Mass on a regular basis.
- Gifts of Time and Talent - Good has blessed each one of us with certain skills and talents.
- As stewards of those gifts, we are called to return a portion of those gifts in service to God and our brothers and sisters.
- Gifts of Treasure - Each household is asked to prayerfully reflect on the many blessings received from God and return
a just portion of those blessings in the Sunday envelope.
Stewardship Prayer
You call us to be the stewards of Your abundance,
the caretakers of all You have entrusted to us.
Help us always to use Your gifts wisely
and teach us to share them generously.
May our faithful stewardship bear witness to
the love of Christ in our lives.
We pray with grateful hears, in Jesus' name.