801 568-9235

About Us

Bookingo.Net helps you find the best accommodation and travel deals around the world and enables you to book on one site, quickly. No more being fobbed off to another site; no more pop-ups harassing your line of thought as you try to find and book your travel and accommodation online.

Bookingo.Net was created to overcome a myriad of ineficiencies encountered with the online travel booking process. We work closely with some of the world's biggest players and technologically advanced systems to deliver you the ultimate online booking experience; fast, simple and secure.

Bookingo.Net is associated with the world's largest travel agency Expedia, incorporating products including but not limited to expedia.com, lastminute.com, hotels.com and TripAdvisor. As an Australian based travel website, we further engage in associations with specialised Australian and New Zealand based travel product suppliers, as we proudly promote great Australasian destinations to the world. From time to time, we may also promote great travel deals from additional travel associates from around the globe.