3rd Grade Intramural Volleyball

Posted Date

We are looking for a parent to be the director of the Incarnation Parish’s 3rd grade co-ed intramural volleyball league.


Job description: establish teams based on sign ups, set practice/game schedule, coordinate/recruit coaches, ensure all registration materials received, coordinate with school for MPR use, ensure

Equipment properly set up.


Description of league:


When?: Saturdays in November. Times are from 830am until noon. (There are usually 4 teams so all is finished by noon)

What? 3rd grade co-ed intramural volleyball

Who? 3rd grade students attending Incarnation school and PREP students are eligible to play

Why?  To provide an introduction to volleyball at a low key level

How?   Practice for .75 hour and then play the volleyball game the last .5 hour of the 1.25 hour session.

Time?  One day a week for 1.25 hrs.

Cost? Free


Interested?  Please contact Tom Doorley, Athletic Director at incarnation.basketball@gmail.com or 937-474-4431 cell