CYO Basketball

Posted Date


CYO Basketball registration is open for students in 4th thru 8th grade

Base registration (early bird pricing) $99

shorts        $16

jersey         $25


Registration ends on 9/15/19 at midnight

 Register at


Dear Parents:

 If your child's grade is going to have 2 or more teams there will need to be a player evaluation. 

We will plan for player evaluations starting the week of 9/16/19. We will plan to have some of the evaluations immediately after school dismissal and others on Saturday morning. We will do our best to not compete against golf, soccer or football obligations. Your child's first commitment should be to their current sport. They should not miss practices or games in trying to attend an evaluation. The evaluations will be no longer than 1 hour. The evaluations will be performed by head coaches (if known), independent evaluators and CYO sport commissioners. We know it is only August but we need to conduct evaluations(if necessary), establish rosters, confirm coaches and submit rosters to Dayton CYO by 9/25/19.

 If you want to coach please ensure you are virtus trained. What is virtus? Go to Archdiocese of Cincinnati website at this link

 For planning purposes the practices normally start in early to mid October. Games for girls are expected to start the last weekend in October and boys games start the first weekend of November. The season's tournament will probably start the second weekend of January 2020 for girls and the third weekend for boys.  

Please spread word of signups. We want to reach as much of the student body and Parishioners as possible. 

 If you have any questions please send to



Matt Scheimann, Boys CYO Basketball Commissioner

Ed Busher, Girls CYO Basketball Commissioner

Tom Doorley, Incarnation Parish Athletic Director