Important Information About Conferences...

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PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES – November 7th and November 8th 



Incarnation School will have 1:20 p.m. early dismissal on Wednesday (busses will leave at 1:20), November 7th and Thursday, November 8th to accommodate Parent/Teacher Conferences. After-School Care and Enrichment (ACE) will be open for its registered families until 5:30pm.

Conferences will be held after children leave from 1:45 to 7:30.


Lunch times will be the same; however, the primary grades will leave for homeroom immediately following their lunch time to prepare for dismissal (sorry – no recess).




Conference Information and Tips:

*  Teachers will present information on the following topics: academic achievement, peer social interactions, and classroom behaviors.


*  Many conferences will discuss goals for student improvement. Ask how to support these goals from home to optimize success for your child.


* Ask questions! Ask for clarification during the conference or come with a list of questions to be discussed during your child’s conference.


* Stay focused! Conferences are 20-minutes and there is quite a bit of information to be presented and discussed. 


*  Be positive! Conferences are a time to share the wonderful accomplishments of the first few months of school and to look for areas of improvement. Children are wonderful and are constantly growing and evolving. 


* Create a working partnership with your child’s teacher! The old saying goes, “it takes a village. . .” At Incarnation School, teachers and parents work together to create the best possible experience for students. This happens through good communication and support of one-another. 



Leah Coghlan






…following in the footsteps of Jesus.