Lego Robotics

Posted Date

Jr. FIRST LEGO League (Grades 1,2 and 3) and FIRST LEGO League (Grades 4-8) are getting ready to kick-off the 2016 FLL LEGO ANIMAL ALLIES challenge for Incarnation School. Teams will be formed based on the number of willing coaches. It's easy to be coach and we can help you with that.

Please join us for a parent orientation meeting on Wednesday, August 31st @ Parish Center at 6:30 pm for Jr. FLL (Grades 1, 2 and 3) and at 7:30 pm FLL (Grades 4-8) respectively. If majority of folks can't make it on Wednesday, we can plan another session for Sunday Sept 4th between 2pm amd 4pm.

Here's the agenda:
1. Jr FLL/FLL - what's it about
2. Team Roster
3. Schedule
4. Team Registration
5. Logistics
6. What to expect
7. Coach's Training
8. Virtus Training

FIRST LEGO League competitions are not all about winning, it's about teaching your kids the value of teamwork, learning about the problems facing the world around us and searching for solutions to solve some of these problems, and our biggest goal is to have FUN while they learn.

Past Coaches - Time permitting please join us to share your experiences. I'm sure the new parents will be happy to hear about it.