Saint Leonard School adheres to the curriculum as mandated for all elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville. Curriculum guides are available for all content areas. These are based on national and state standards and are updated on a regular cycle. The guides outline what students should know, understand and be able to do. They include the specific concepts and skills appropriate for each grade level. Performance standards detail the ways students will demonstrate their learning.Students in Catholic schools study mathematics, reading and literature, science, social studies, religion, physical education, music and art. Many schools also offer a foreign language. Choose the grades above.
By clicking here you can view the complete Archdiocese of Louisville Curriculum Handbook.
•4-H Instruction and Competitions (Including speech development/demonstrations)
•Accelerated Reader Reading Program
•Algebra I instruction for all 8th Grade students
•Archery Club
•Cultural Performances (Actor's Theater, Stage One, Louisville Ballet)
•Drama Club
•DUKE T.I.P.Achievement Testing and John Hopkins Testing opportunities available to eligible students (ACT) scoring in the 90th percentile on standardized testing
•Enrichment Programs Available - Art, Drama/Music, PE, Technology
•"Flipped Classrooms" - all Mathematics programs
•Governor's Cup Participation
•House Program - Team-building activities combining students in grades 4 - 8
•Junior Achievement - Financial Park (7th Grade)
•Kentucky Youth Assembly Participation - 2013 Best New Delegation Award
•Math Counts - Math competition series
•One to One Technology - 24/7 access for all MS students to personal devices (chromebooks)
•Performance Assessments used by staff to accommodate learning styles, achievement levels & interests – Oral/written reports, PowerPoint presentations, skits, surveys, letters, art projects, etc.
•Pre-Algebra instruction for all 7th Grade students
•Religious Education and Sacramental Prep (8th grade Confirmation)
•Service Opportunities
•"SMART" Classrooms
•Spelling Bee Participation - in-school winners proceed to city competition
•Video Conferencing with locations, such as NASA and the Louisville Science Center
•Young Authors' Writing Competition
•Archery Team (4 - 8) - city-wide competition with state competition potential
•Athletics – variety of sports
•Drama Club - currently preparing for December production of Yes, Virginia - the Musical, at the Clifton Center on December 14th at 7 pm - admission is $5.00 AND a canned food item to benefit the Dare to Care Food Bank
•FunFIT Program - offered by Activities Director, Tony Gunn - please visit page to see all the activities offered
•Governor's Cup participation
•LEGO club - meets every Wednesday
•MathCounts (6-8) - Mathematics competition
•KYA (Kentucky Youth Assembly) participation
•Quick Recall Academic Teams (5-6/7-8) - Archdiocesan Competition
•Scouting opportunities available for boys and girls
•Skating Parties
•Staff vs. Student Academic and Athletic Competitions – GO STAFF!!
•Writing Club