


The authentication configuration file is located at app/config/auth.php which contains all of the well documented options for authentication.

Authenticating Users

To log a user into your website, you may use the Auth::login method.

if (Auth::login($emailOrUsername, $password, true)) 

The third argument must be boolean, true or false and indicates if the user should be rememember using the browser cookie. By default is false.

If the authentication is successful, the auth.login event will be fired in app/events.php.

For a complete example see code/versions/basic/login.php from the archive.

Determining If A User Is Authenticated

To determine if the user is already logged into your website, you may use the Auth::check method:

if (Auth::check())
    // You are logged in...

if (Auth::guest())
    // You are not logged in...

Accessing The Logged In User

Once a user is authenticated, you may access the user attributes:

$email = Auth::user()->email;

The default attributes are: id, username, email, password, display_name, joined, status, role_id.

However there are some extra ones: avatar, firstName, lastName, about, gender, birthday, phone, location, verified, lastLogin, lastLoginIp.

If you have set some other ones using the User Fields or User Meta you can access them using the usermeta attribute:

$value = Auth::user()->usermeta['meta_key'];

Make sure to wrap that in a if statement or use @ for safety.

Determining If A User Has A Permission

To determine if the user has a specific permission, you may use the Auth::userCan method.

if (Auth::userCan('add_users')) // <=> Auth::user()->can('add_users')
    // You can add users

The available permissions are: dashboard, add_users, list_users, edit_users, delete_users, message_users, manage_roles, manage_fields, manage_settings, moderate.

Logging A User Out Of The Application


After logout the auth.logout event will be fired in app/events.php.

Logging In Users By ID

$user = User::find(1);


See src/Hazzard/Auth/Auth.php for the full list of methods and arguments.

Registering & Activation

Registering Users

To register a user into your website, you may use the Register::signup method.

$data = array(
    'email' => '', 
    'username' => 'bar', 
    'pass1' => 'foobar',
    'first_name' => 'Foo',
    'last_name' => 'Bar'


if (Register::passes()) 
    // Successfully registered...
    // There are some errors:
    print_r( Register::errors()->toArray() );

The passes method checks if the $data passes the validation and with the errors method you get the errors.

To display the errors much prettier you can do something like this:

if (Register::fails())
    echo '<ul>';
    foreach (Register::errors()->all('<li>:message</li>') as $error) 
       echo $error;
    echo '</ul>';

If the signup is successful, the auth.signup event will be fired in app/events.php.

For a complete example see code/versions/basic/singup.php from the archive.

Activating Users

Once the user has been registered, if the email_activation option is enabled in app/config/auth.php, then an e-mail will be sent to the user with the activation reminder/link. The e-mail template for that email is located in app/views/emails/activation.php.

To activate the user use the the Register::activate method.


if (Register::passes()) 
    // Account activated...

For a complete example see activate.php.

Resending Activation Reminder

To send the activation reminder/link again, use the Register:reminder method.


if (Register::passes()) 
    // Activation sent...

For a complete example see code/versions/basic/activation.php from the archive.

See src/Hazzard/Auth/Register.php for the full list of methods and arguments.

Password Reminders & Reset

Sending Password Reminder

To send the password reminder use the Password:reminder method.


if (Password::passes()) 
    // Reminder sent...

The e-mail template for the password reminder is located in app/views/emails/reminder.php.

For a complete example see code/versions/basic/reminder.php from the archive.

Resetting Password

To reset the user password use the Password::reset method.

Password::reset($password, $password_confirmation, $reminder);

if (Password::passes()) 
    // Password changed...

For a complete example see code/versions/basic/reset.php from the archive.

See src/Hazzard/Auth/PasswordReminder.php for the full list of methods and arguments.