
User Fileds

The User Fields allow to add extra fields to the users.

The User Fields configuration is stored in app/config/userfields.php.


'first_name' => array(
    'type' => 'text',
    'label' => 'First Name',
    'attributes' => array('class' => 'form-control'),
    'content_before' => '<div class="form-group">',
    'content_after'  => '</div>',
    'validation' => 'alpha_num|min:2',
    'assignment' => array('signup', 'user', 'admin')

The key (first_name in the example) must be a unique for each field.

  • type - the supported types are: "text", "textarea", "select", "checkbox" and "radio".
  • label - the text for "label" tag. For translation this should be ommited and set in app/lang/userfields.php.
  • attributes - an array with field attributes.
  • content_before - some HTML content to be displayed before the field.
  • content_after - some HTML content to be displayed after the field.
  • validation - the list of validation rules. See the Available Validation Rules.
  • assignment - where will the field be displayed, in the signup form ('signup'), user settings ('user') or in the Admin Panel ('admin').

To retrive the fields from database use the User class or the Usermeta class.

If you want the label text to be loaded from the language files, don't set the label when you define the field, then in app/lang/{lang}/userfields.php add a key-value pair where the key is the field and the value is the text, like this:

'first_name' => 'First Name',


text & textarea

See the example above.


'gender' => array(
    'type' => 'select',
    'label' => 'Gender',
    'validation' => 'required|in:X,F,M',
    'attributes' => array(
        'class' => 'form-control', 
        'options' => array(
            array('value' => 'X', 'text' => 'Unspecified'),
            array('value' => 'F', 'text' => 'Female'),
            array('value' => 'M', 'text' => 'Male')
    'content_before' => '<div class="form-group">',
    'content_after'  => '</div>',
    'assignment' => array('admin', 'user')

If you want the text for options to be loaded from the language files, don't set the text, then in app/lang/{lang}/userfields.php add a key-value pair for each option like this:

'gender_1' => 'Unspecified', // <- for option 1
'gender_2' => 'Female',      // <- for option 2
'gender_3' => 'Male',        // <- for option 3


'verified' => array(
    'type' => 'checkbox',
    'validation' => 'in:1',
    'attributes' => array('value' => '1'),
    'content_before' => '<div class="checkbox">',
    'content_after'  => '</div>',
    'assignment' => array('admin')


'activated__1' => array(
    'type' => 'radio',
    'label' => 'Activated',
    'attributes' => array('value' => '1'),
    'content_before' => '<div class="checkbox">',
    'content_after'  => '</div>',
    'assignment' => array('admin')

'activated__2' => array(
    'type' => 'radio',
    'label' => 'Activated',
    'attributes' => array('value' => '2'),
    'content_before' => '<div class="checkbox">',
    'content_after'  => '</div>',
    'assignment' => array('admin')

The __i part will be ingnored when the fields are saved to the database, but are used so you can have the same name for multiple radio inputs and not overwriting the field key name.