

User Model

The User class (stored in app/models) is a "Model" allowing to interact with the users table.

This page is dedicated to User class specifics and NOT how to add, get, update or delete users.
For that read about Models.

Given a $user of type User access the attributes like this:

$user_id = $user->id;
$username = $user->username;

The default attributes are: id, username, email, password, display_name, joined, status, role_id.

However there are some extra ones: avatar, firstName, lastName, about, gender, birthday, phone, location, verified, lastLogin, lastLoginIp.

If you have set some other ones using the User Fields or User Meta you can access them using the usermeta attribute:

$value = $user->usermeta['meta_key'];

Make sure to wrap that in a if statement or use @ for safety.

You may use the User::can method to determine if a user has a specific permission.

if ($user->can('add_users')) 
    // The user can add users

User Meta

The User Meta allows to simply add, get, update and delete custom meta for the users.

Adding Metadata To A User

Usermeta::add('user_id', 'meta_key', 'meta_value', true);

The last argument indicates whether the same key should not be added.

Retrieving Metadata For A User.

$value = Usermeta::get('user_id', 'meta_key', true);

If the second argument is empty '' all metadata for the user will be retrieved. The last argument indicates whether to return a single value for the key.

Updating Metadata For A User.

Usermeta::update('user_id', 'meta_key', 'meta_value');

Removing Metadata For A User.

Usermeta::delete('user_id', 'meta_key');

If the second argument is omitted all metadata for the user will be removed.

See src/Hazzard/User/Meta.php for the full list of methods and arguments for the Usermeta class.