
Private Messages


The configuration options for private messages are stored in app/config/pms.php.


The private messages are stored in the messages database table.


When you send a message to a user, a conversation will automatically be created with that user. You or the user you sent the message to can reply to that conversation.

Getting Conversations

$converstions = Message::getConversations($userId);

Getting Messages Between Users

$messages = Message::getConversation($user1Id, $user2Id);

$user1Id would be the currently authenticated user and $user2Id the other user.

Counting Unread Messages

$unread = Message::countUnread($userId);

Deleting Messages From A User

Message::delete($user1Id, $user2Id);

$user1Id would be the currently authenticated user and $user2Id the other user.

Deleting All Messages


Marking All Messages As Read


Sending Messages

Message::send($user1Id, $user2Id, $message);

$user1Id would be the currently authenticated user and $user2Id the other user.

For complete examples open ajax.php and search for Message::send , Message::getConversations , Message::getConversation , Message::countUnread , Message::delete , Message::markAllAsRead.

See src/Hazzard/Messages/Message.php for the full list of methods and arguments.


The contacts are stored in the contacts database table and are like friends if you will. You can send requests to other users so you can message them.

Sending Contact Requests

Contact::add($user1Id, $user2Id);

Confirming Contact Requests

Contact::confirm($user1Id, $user2Id);

Removing Contacts

Contact::remove($user1Id, $user2Id);

Checking If Users are Contacts

if (Contact::check($user1Id, $user2Id)) 
    // Contacts...

$user1Id would be the currently authenticated user and $user2Id the other user.

See src/Hazzard/Messages/Contact.php for the full list of methods and arguments.